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Is Excalibur Christian School accredited?

This a question that is often asked but the confusion over the meaning of the word makes a simple answer useless. When most people ask the question, they really want to know whether or not any work done while enrolled will count if they move to a different school. In most cases, work done below the high school level is fully transferable to any public school. High school level courses are often accepted at face value though some school systems may require testing to confirm that the material has been mastered at an acceptable level. Students graduating from Excalibur have reported no problems with their credits being accepted by colleges or the military.

If regional accreditation is required at the high school level by any institution to which the student wants to transfer, the student should request that at the time of enrollment in Excalibur. The student would then be enrolled simultaneously in Excalibur and a regionally accredited online academy.

If we transfer from Excalibur to another school, will the work done at Excalibur be accepted?

In earlier years, public school systems required all students transferring from Excalibur at the high school level to be retested before being given credit for work done while at Excalibur. This is becoming much less of an issue and most school systems are taking our credits at face value.

Will my child suffer socially by being home schooled?

Socialization is the most frequently voiced criticism of homeschooling. Those who spend any time at all around home-schooled children find that most of them are much better socialized than their peers who attend a “brick and mortar” school.

In the last 30 years, medical science has come to understand the devastating psychological damage done to our children through our attempts to socialize them among their peers. Home-schooled children show a much greater tendency to psychological maturity and ease with others, especially adults, than their non-home-schooled peers.

Will my children miss out on all the extra-curricular activities available in the public schools?

Home-schooled children have much greater latitude and more options for extra-curricular activities than their non-home-schooled peers. Home-schooled children typically accomplish more academically in three and half hours of work than their peers can accomplish during the long days at school with the additional commute time.

With the extra time available to the homeschooler, many participate in athletic teams; orchestras; theater; bands; speech and debate; robotics, mathematics, and science competitions; national spelling and geography bees; extensive travel, and much, much more.

Many have launched life-long careers while completing high school graduation requirements.

Will my child suffer academically from being home schooled?

Home-schooled children are typically much better prepared for college, the military, or career than non-home-schooled children. Standardized testing shows the average homeschooler testing at the 75% percentile while their non-home-schooled peers fall at the 50 percentile. Colleges recognize this difference and actively pursue home-schooled students.

Can home-schooled students play high school athletics?

The Alabama High School Athletic Association does not allow students not enrolled in a specific public high school to participate in its athletic program.  Home-school students still have plenty of venues for sports participation, however. The north Alabama home-school community does sponsor a number of sports teams including football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, rowing, and soccer.  Also, community-sponsored recreational leagues, church leagues, and travel-club teams provide for a wide variety of participation at all skill levels.  Students hoping for college athletic scholarships should take note that in some sports (soccer for example) college coaches don't even recruit from  public school teams.

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